Saving lives by addressing the critical role of surfaces in healthcare

About Healthcare Surface Consulting

Linda is the President of Healthcare Surface Consulting and a Healthcare Surface Expert. She has enjoyed a 16-year career passionately crusading to awaken, inspire, and educate people on the impact of surfaces in the spread of healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs). Her mission is to save lives by engaging with healthcare and design professionals to address the critical relationship between healthcare surfaces and HAIs.

Linda Lybert, President
Healthcare Surface Consulting

The Seven Aspects of Surface Selection

Healthcare Surface Consulting looks at the whole picture of surface selection by thoroughly evaluating every aspect critical to infection prevention:

  1. Materials and textiles
  2. Surface assemblies
  3. Microbiology
  4. Location
  5. Human behavior
  6. Cleaning and disinfection
  7. Manufacturer warnings

It is not enough to learn every physical characteristic of a given surface material or even all surface materials. It is not enough to become an expert in the latest disinfection agents and protocols. This data must be combined with an understanding of the patient care process and insight into human behavior patterns. Only by bringing all these aspects together to form a comprehensive understanding of the issues can we begin to develop the sweeping changes that will be required to make a significant reduction in the rate of infection.

Disclosure: Healthcare Surface Consulting president Linda Lybert is also the founder and executive director of the Healthcare Surfaces Institute non-profit organization. Healthcare Surface Consulting LLC has been a contributing sponsor and strategic partner to the Institute since its inception in 2015.

Healthcare Surfaces Institute

Healthcare Surfaces Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; all donations are tax-deductible. Copyright © 2023 Healthcare Surfaces Institute. All rights reserved. Surfaces Matter™ is a trademark of Healthcare Surfaces Institute. 

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